

RubyKumari / Employee

Name: Ruby Kumari

Ruby comes from a warm and closely-knit family in Bihar. Her parents instilled in her the values of hard work, respect, and the importance of community bonds. She shares a special bond with her siblings and enjoys family gatherings during festivals and special occasions.

Phone No :


Address :

Jayprakash Nagar, Purnea


10th Grade:

Ruby Kumari completed her 10th-grade education with distinction , securing top marks in subjects like Mathematics, Science, and English, showcasing her academic prowess and dedication.

12th Grade

Continuing her academic excellence, Ruby successfully completed her 12th-grade education , demonstrating a strong commitment to her studies and achieving notable results in her chosen stream.


Ruby successfully earned her Bachelor's Art, demonstrating her dedication to her chosen field and acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.



Strong verbal and written communication skills.
Ability to convey ideas effectively and facilitate understanding.


Proficient in making informed and timely decisions.
Capable of analyzing situations and choosing the best course of action.


Adaptable to change and open to new ideas.
Able to adjust to evolving circumstances and challenges.

Language Proficiency:

Fluent in both spoken and written Hindi and English.

Positive Attitude:

Approach challenges with optimism and a can-do attitude.
Foster a positive and collaborative work environment.


Uphold principles of integrity and honesty in all interactions.
Build trust through transparent communication.

Self-confidence and Discipline:

Confident in tackling tasks and challenges.
Maintain discipline and focus to achieve goals.


Demonstrate a strong work ethic and dedication.
Willing to put in the effort required to achieve success.
These additional skills, language proficiency, and strengths collectively contribute to a well-rounded and capable individual. The combination of effective communication, sound decision-making, adaptability, and a positive mindset, along with proficiency in multiple languages, makes for a versatile and valuable skill set.


8 Years experience in Bank Recovery,

